Tuesday, 16 November 2010


Picture 1 - Uncle Sam Range

  • American superiority - 100 year celebration - lots has changed, the food seems more nutritious than the food on the menu held by the globe e.g the turkey apposed to the birds nest.
  • selling a lifestyle - aspirational lifestyle - perspiration - buying into the dream - wanting to believe that America's greater than everyone else - America has surpassed all the other countries despite the fact they have a longer heritage and bigger culture. 
  • New England, Dixie West - represents the idea of prosperity and wealth - land getting rich quick
  • font designed to make you think of old western typeface, relates to the mythology of cowboys, even for that time. No accident that Uncle Sam is above the centre piece.
  • Servile doting wife and slave - tapping into the societies traits of the era
  • New England personified as a girl as a symbol of weakness and softness as it was populated mostly by immigrants.
Picture 2 - "What did YOU do in the war daddy?"

  • during the first world war
  • people had to sign up to the army - aiming to emotionally manipulate the audience - guilt tripping them effectively
  • about being able to have something to tell your kids
  • saying your going to go to war and everything will still be OK afterwards your going to make it and have a future because Briton will win - patriotic
  • books and toys are symbolic for the economy not going into decline after the war which was  asap on the countries funds and they would still be a wealthy thriving country
  • font in italics making it softer
  • "YOU" capitalised to stand out and talk to the audience engaging them into the question and inadvertently speaking to them
  • colours are patriotic to the Queen being royal colours
  • Nationalistic symbolism

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