Monday, 29 November 2010

CTS LECTURE 3 - The Document

Aims - introduce documentary photography and conflict photography - introduce the work of Mass Observation, Magnum and the FSA Photographers

  • Documentary Photography as a genre dominates photography
  • document signified evidence
  • old photography became popular because it showed one world to the other, the darker continents to the white
  • pictures separate the audience (us and them)
  • Nachtweys pictures however are neutral 
  • Kilburn photo - it becomes part of our history not subjective - people want to catch the world in both war and photography
  • Breson - photos are composed not trying to take over the world not lazy - purposeful
  • Riis - middle class photographer went around photographing workers and poverty - book 'How the Other Half Live'
    • superficially photography is working to get the image sensationalising the subject
    • not the invisible eye - not neutral - people are posing
    • not a depiction of reality - more of themselves - or is it? - is it more how they want themselves to be seen or how they see themselves?
    • battle of what the subject and photographer wants the image to look like 'this is why you never feel you like like you do in a picture
    • OTHERING - two ways of image
      • to stamp your claim on the world
      • to get the most out of the subject

  • director Roy Stryker
  • depression - 11 million unemployed
  • mass migration of farm labourers 'Oakies'
  • employees weren't allowed to take pictures of what they want, they were given 'shooting scripts' instructive of what to take
  • documents but with an agenda - not neutral
  • they were selective about their final image - a lot of struggle with what the subject, the photographer and the F.S.A wanted
  • Lamprey - photography documentary in an anthropologic sense
  • othering again
  • photography about power and angenda
  • branding the other - criticising
  • photography with a colonial agenda - to mark or scrutinise

MASS OBSERVATION (1937-1960's)

  • Tom Harrison (anthropologist)
  • Charles Madge (poet)
  • not just going into the world but people sending them information - people having an input (perhaps a more accurate and shared documentation)
  • lots of stereotypes relate back to Mass Observation
WAR and CONFLICT photography
  • providing horrifying images of what things were like
  • unfair to question the reality of the scene
  • Capa gets questioned about the blur on the photo being aestheticised
  • we never got to see all the pictures he took
  • when its aestheticised it becomes untrue

  • founded in 1947 by Cartier Bresson and Capa
  • ethos - what is the photographers role in certain situations

  • they offer a humanitarian perspective
  • they tend to portray social and political situations
  • they purport to be objective to the facts of the situation
  • people tend to form the subject matter

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