Technological conditions can affect the
collective consciousness
Technology trigger important changes in cultural development
Anything that is copied or reproduced can be a work in its own right or a representation of the original.
relationship between who is copying/mimicing/representing who
Walter Benjamin’s essay ‘The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction’ (1936) significantly evaluates the role of technology through photography as an instrument of change.
- claimed parallel and specific to new developments; actuality expressing the zeitgeist
- dialectical due to the copy, reproductive nature and the role of the original
- the aura and uniqueness of art
The camera eye - has a variable gaze - new consciousness is a result - represents technological process and the faith in it.
Paul Valery (1875 - 1945) quote
Photograms - early experiments with technology and photography
Benjamin and two parallels - Freud and Marx
once art enters production and consumerism its view changes and distorts
the original is valued and valuable - the copy adds value
Marx - technology on society
Freud - explores materials of technology and the subconscious
Kineticism - capturing movement
Etienne-Jules Marre
Chronotography - before cinematography
start of how we portray space
Dematerialisation of art (Richard Hamilton)
using technology to create image
image and objects become coded ordered and styled
development of art, style, image, coming together
how you style defines whether its art or design
Marx and technology
dialectical issues
- technology drives history
- technology and division of labour
- materialist view of history
- technology and capitalism and production
- social alienation of people from aspects of their human nature as well as capitalism
postmodernism and Post Machine
looking at information - how its collected - organised - arranged
leaves openess to industrial techniques
tied up with development of technology
we consume technology and develop new techniques
openess to collaborations (Art and Science) - seeps across boundaries
allows us to shift across into another context or media
Douglas Rosenberg video installation
Venus flow, states of grace Li Chiao Ping
True materialism is what you learn in the material world, not what you earn
reflection of the profound reality - not meant to be real
Simulacrum - suggests the simulation becomes real
It masks and denatures a profound reality
what do we call original and what do we call copy
John Walker and art and mass media; Art in the age of mass media (2001)
Art uses mass media (1990-2000)
Margot Lovejoy; Digital Currents
digital potential leads to multimedia productions
how do you promote?
Jenny Holzer - use of digital data - transforms building forms
What is a surface
Frank Gillette
Nancy B.
The human race machine
Developed herself - allows people to view themselves as a different race
Multimedia work
- interactive
- performance
- transdisciplinary
- time, space and motion explored in art and as art
- collaborations
- computer is the tool
Hyperreal; reality by proxy
Technology tools can blur the lines between production of fine art works and commercial and design production
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